郑岩,2022年12月毕业于中南大学商学院,获经济学博士学位。近年来在Energy Economics,Finance Research Letters等期刊发表论文数篇,长期担任Climate Change Economics, International Review of Financial Analysis和Frontiers in Energy Research等期刊的审稿人。
2018-2022 中南大学经济学博士
2015-2018 中南大学经济学硕士
2011-2015 华南理工大学理学学士
[1] Zheng, Y., Zhou, M. and Wen, F., 2021. Asymmetric effects of oil shocks on carbon allowance price: Evidence from China. Energy Economics, 97, p.105183.(ESI高被引论文, SSCI, JCR1, ABS3)
[2] Zheng, Y., Yin, H., Zhou, M., Liu, W. and Wen, F., 2021. Impacts of oil shocks on the EU carbon emissions allowances under different market conditions. Energy Economics, 104, p.105683. (SSCI, JCR1, ABS3)
[3] Zheng, Y., Wen, F., Deng, H. and Zeng, A., 2022. The relationship between carbon market attention and the EU CET market: Evidence from different market conditions. Finance Research Letters, 50, p.103140. (SSCI, JCR1, ABS2)