吴国睿(Kuo-Jui Wu,Nickname:Gary,H-index: 28),博士研究生,高聘教授/硕士生导师,台湾科技大学博士毕业,菲律宾De La Salle University硕士毕业。目前兼任International Society for Business Innovation and Technology Management秘书长,Sustainable Production and Consumption主题编辑(SSCI,IF: 8.921,JCR:Q1),International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications编委(SSCI,IF:5.992,JCR:Q2),Cleaner and Responsible Consumption副编辑(Scopus)等多本SCI/SSCI期刊审稿人。于2019-2020还兼任辽宁省环境计算与可持续发展重点实验室学术委员会委员。累积相关研究成果87篇,其中65篇为SCI/SSCI论文,发表期刊包括Resources, Conservation and Recycling(SCI,IF:13.716,JCR:Q1)、International Journal of Production Economics(SCI,IF:11.251,JCR:Q12/87Operations Research & Management Science)、Technological Forecastingand Social Change(SSCI,IF:10.884,JCR:Q1)、Business Strategyandthe Environment(SSCI,IF:10.801,JCR:Q1)等高影响力期刊。主持1项国家自然科学基金项目、4项省级项目及1项横向项目,参与2项欧盟FP7项目,2项国家自然科学基金项目与1项省级项目。
Dr. Kuo-Jui Wu (Gary) is a professor at Hainan University. Currently, he is the subject editor of the Journal of Sustainable Production and Consumption, the general secretary of the International Society for Business Innovation and Technology Management (ISBITM), and a reviewer of several SCI/SSCI journals. He acquired a master's degree from De La Salle University, the Philippines in 2011, and a Ph.D. degree in industrial management from NTUST in 2016. He taught at Dalian University of Technology, China; and collaborated research works such as the UNIDO NCPC RECP project and EU-FP7 project (Energy Efficient & Cost Competitive Retrofitting Solutions for Shopping Buildings and Intelligent Eco-lighting Illumination System for Shopping and Commercial buildings). His research fields focus on multi-criteria decision making (MCDM), circular economy, sustainable development, sustainable and circular supply chain management and corporate sustainability. He published 65 SCI/SSCI papers with 2881 citations (ESI: 1, H-index: 28, i10-index: 53).
联系方式(Contact Information):
2012.09-2016.01 台湾科技大学工业管理博士
2008.01-2011.12 菲律宾德拉萨大学商业管理硕士(主修运营管理)
2002.09-2006.06 台湾稻江科技暨管理学院国际企业管理学士
2022.08至今 海南大学管理学院教授
2020.07-2022.07 台湾科技大学管理学院副教授
2018.05-2020.07 大连理工大学商学院副教授
2018.01-2019.12 南京瑞派建材科技有限公司项目顾问
2017.01-2018.12 烟台博海洁净能源技术有限公司项目顾问
2016.04-2018.05 大连理工大学商学院讲师
2014.03-2017.12 裕山科技股份有限公司项目顾问
2013.11-2016.03 台湾科技大学黄忠伟教授欧盟FP7项目-商业购
2013.08-2015.07 台湾科技大学廖庆荣教授台湾科技部项目-实
2013.01-2013.12 台湾科技大学黄忠伟教授欧盟FP7项目-用于
2010.12-2012.08 亚太商业创新与科技管理系统管理员
2009.12-2010.11 亚太商业创新与科技管理系统工程师
2009.09-2009.12 菲律宾德拉萨大学Prof. Anthony S.F. Chiu联合国
循环、可持续与绿色供应链管理(Circular、Sustainable and Green Supply Chain Management)、循环经济(Circular Economy)、可持续发展(Sustainable Development)、多准则决策(Multi-criteria Decision Making)、大数据(Big Data)、数据驱动(Data-Driven)、商业与战略管理(Business and Strategy Management)、企业可持续(Corporate Sustainability)、生态创新(Eco-innovation)
1.Wu, K. J., Hou, W., Wang, Q., Yu, R., & Tseng, M. L. * (2022). Assessing city's performance-resource improvement in China: A sustainable circular economy framework approach. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 96, 106833. (SSCI, IF: 6.122, JCR: Q1 25/127)
2.Wu, K. J., Bin, Y., Ren, M., Tseng, M. L.*, Wang, Q., & Chiu, A. S. (2022). Reconfiguring a hierarchical supply chain model under pandemic using text mining and social media analysis. Industrial Management & Data Systems, article in press. (SCI, IF: 4.803, JCR: Q2 37/113)
3.Wang, Q.,Wu, K. J.*, Tseng, M. L., Zong, J., Wang, L., Lu, C., & Bing, Y. (2022). Data-driven assessment framework of health cities for elderly individuals in China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 103782. (SCI, IF: 10.696, JCR: Q1 2/68)
4.Wu, K. J.*, Theja, H., Vincent, I., Poerwanto, C., Rosario, E., Ferreira, R. D., & Tatiyathavornkul, S. (2021). Structuring an influential model for Indonesian pulp and paper circular supply chain practices. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, article in press. (SSCI, IF: 5.992, JCR: Q2 76/226)
5.Wu, K. J., Tseng, M. L.*, Ali, M. H., Xue, B., Chiu, A. S., Fujii, M., Xu, M., Lan, S., Ren, M. & Bin, Y. (2021). Opportunity or Threat in Balancing Social, Economic and Environmental Impacts: The Appearance of The Polar Silk Road. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 88, 106570. (SSCI, IF: 6.122, JCR: Q1 25/127)
6.Wu, K. J., Tseng, M. L.*, Lim, M. K., & Chiu, A. S. (2019). Causal Sustainable Resource Management Model Using A Hierarchical Structure and Linguistic Preferences. Journal of Cleaner Production, 229, 640-651. (SCI, IF: 11.072, JCR: Q1 24/279)
7.Wu, K. J., Zhu, Y., Chen, Q., & Tseng, M. L.* (2019). Building Sustainable Tourism Hierarchical Framework: Coordinated Triple Bottom Line Approach in Linguistic Preferences. Journal of Cleaner Production, 229, 157-168. (SCI, IF: 11.072, JCR: Q1 24/279)
8.Wu, K. J., Gao, S., Xia, L., Tseng, M. L.*, Chiu, A. S., & Zhang, Z. (2019). Enhancing Corporate Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development: An Inter-Dependent Hierarchical Structure Under Linguistic Preferences. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 146, 560-579. (SCI, IF: 13.716, JCR: Q1 12/279)
9.Wu, K. J., Zhu, Y., Tseng, M. L.*, Lim, M. K., & Xue, B. (2018). Developing a hierarchical structure of the co-benefits of the triple bottom line under uncertainty. Journal of Cleaner Production, 195, 908-918. (SCI, IF: 11.072, JCR: Q1 24/279)
10.Wu, K. J., Liao, C. J., Tseng, M. L.*, Lim, M. K., Hu, J., & Tan, K. (2017). Toward Sustainability: Using Big Data to Explore the Decisive Attributes of Supply Chain Risks and Uncertainties. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 663-676. (SCI, IF: 11.072, JCR: Q1 24/279)
11.Wu, K. J., Tseng, M. L.*, Chiu, A. S., & Lim, M. K. (2017). Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Supply Chain Agility Under Uncertainty: A Novel Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Structure. International Journal of Production Economics, 190, 96-107. (SCI, IF: 11.251, JCR: Q1 2/51)
12.Wu, K. J., Liao, C. J., Tseng, M. L.*, & Chiu, K. K. S. (2016). Multi-attribute approach to sustainable supply chain management under uncertainty. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 116(4), 777-800. (SCI, IF: 4.803, JCR: Q2 37/113)
13.Wu, K. J.*, Liao, C. J., Chen, C. C., Lin, Y., & Tsai, C. F. (2016). Exploring eco-innovation in dynamic organizational capability under incomplete information in the Taiwanese lighting industry. International Journal of Production Economics, 181, 419-440. (SCI, IF: 11.251, JCR: Q1 2/51)
14.Wu, K. J., Liao, C. J., Tseng, M. L.*, & Chiu, A. S. (2015). Exploring decisive factors in green supply chain practices under uncertainty. International Journal of Production Economics, 159, 147-157. (SCI, IF: 11.251, JCR: Q1 2/51)
1.Wu, K. J., Cui, L., Tseng, M. L., Hu, J., & Huy, P. M. (2017). Applying Big Data with Fuzzy DEMATEL To Discover the Critical Factors for Employee Engagement in Developing Sustainability for The Hospitality Industry Under Uncertainty. Supply Chain Management in The Big Data Era (pp. 218-253). IGI Global. (Book Chapter, Scopus, WOS)
8.创业导向、创业学习对机会-资源一体化开发行为的影响机理研究, 国家青年自然科学基金(71602016)17万元,参与,已结题
1.指导台湾科技大学IMBA学生参加The 8th Taiwan in my eyes 120h–Sustainability to go获得全台湾地区的第三名并获得最佳人气奖与实地探索奖
1.International Journal of Production Economics杰出审稿人(SCI)
2.2018 International Conference on Resource Sustainability–Asia Pacific优秀论文奖,首位
7.Journal of Cleaner Production优秀审稿人(SCI)
1.The22nd International Roundtable Conference for Business Innovation & Technology Management优秀论文奖,首位
6.International Journal of Production Economics杰出审稿人(SCI)
1.Resources, Conservation and Recycling优秀审稿人(SCI)
2.Journal of Cleaner Production杰出审稿人(SCI)