冯文婷,研究员、博士生导师,海南省D类高层次人才。2014年毕业于北京大学光华管理学院,获管理学博士学位。长期从事消费者行为、 数字化媒体营销研究工作。近五年来在 Tourism Management (ABS 4) 、Annals of Tourism Research (ABS 4)、 Journal of Travel Research (ABS 4) 、 Journal of Business Research (ABS 3)、 《南开管理评论》 等国内外知名期刊上发表高水平论文 20 余篇,作为负责人主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、 国家自然科学基金青年项目、海南省自然科学基金高层次人才项目等 4 项国家级、省部级研究项目。先后获得海南省第十二次社会科学优秀成果论文三等奖、中国高等院校市场学研究会优秀教学成果二等奖、中国高校市场学研究会学术年会优秀论文奖等奖项。
海南省自然科学基金高层次人才项目:“旅游目的地社交媒体代言人对消费者旅游意向的影响及心理机制:基于准社会关系的视角” (编号:622RC625),2022年4月-2025年3月,主持、在研.
1. Liao, Junyun, Siying He, Wenting Feng*, Raffaele Filier (2024). “I Love It” Versus “I Recommend It”: The Impact of Implicit and Explicit Endorsement Styles on Electronic Word-of-Mouth Persuasiveness. Journal of Travel Research, 63(4), 779-795. (ABS4)
2. Feng, Jingdan, Zelin Tong, Wenting Feng*. (2024). Effects of COVID-19 pandemic areas on green hotel consumption: exploring the congruence effect between location and timing. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1-21. (ABS3)
3. Feng Wenting, Morgan Yang, Irina Yu (2023). From devil to angel: How being envied for luxury brand social media word of mouth discourages counterfeit purchases. Journal of Business Research, 165, 113919 (ABS3).
4. Liu, Qihua, Liyang Xu*, Wenting Feng, Jingyi Zhou, Yiran Li (2023). Is tourism live streaming a double-edged sword? The paradoxical impact of online flow experience on travel intentions. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 40(8), 744-763.
5. Feng, Wenting, Yizhuo Liu, Dongmei Li (2022). Emotional or rational? The congruence effect of message appeals and country stereotype on tourists' international travel intentions. Annals of Tourism Research, 95, 103423. (ABS4)
6. Zelin Tong; Fang Ma; Haowen Xiao; Perry Haan; Wenting Feng (2022). How scarcity influences home country consumers' attitudes toward the firm engaging in cross-border philanthropy? The role of perceived distributive justice, International Marketing Review, 39(4): 852-888.
7. Feng, Wenting, Morgan X. Yang, Irina Y. Yu & Mengjie Yi (2021). How being envied shapes tourists’ relationships with luxury brands: A dual-mediation model. Tourism Management, 86, 104344. (ABS4)
8. Zhou, Zhimin, Yi Ding, Wenting Feng*, Nianman Ke (2021). Extending B2B brands into the B2C Market: Whether, when, and why brands should emphasize B2B industry background, Journal of Business Research, 130, 364-375. (ABS3)
9. Feng, Wenting, Morgan X. Yang , Irina Y. Yu & Rungting Tu (2021): When positive reviews on social networking sites backfire: The role of social comparison and malicious envy, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 30(1), 120-138.
10. Feng, Wenting, Rungting Tu, Peishan Hsieh (2020). Can gamification increases consumers’ engagement in fitness apps? The moderating role of commensurability of the game elements. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 57, 102229, 1-9.
11. Song, Moxi, Morgan X. Yang, Kevin J. Zeng, Wenting Feng* (2020). Green knowledge sharing, stakeholder pressure, absorptive capacity, and green innovation: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(3), 1518-1531.
12. Feng, Wenting, Rungting Tu, Tim Lu, Zhimin Zhou (2019). Understanding forced adoption of self-service technology: the impacts of users’ psychological reactance. Behavior & Information Technology, 38 (8), 820-832.
13. Tu, Rungting, Peishan Hsieh, Wenting Feng* (2019). Walking for fun or for “likes”? the impacts of different gamification orientations of fitness apps on consumers’ physical activities. Sport Management Review, 22(5), 682-693.
14. Zhu Huawei, Rungting Tu, Wenting Feng* (2019). The impacts of evaluation duration and product types on review extremity. Online Information Review, 43 (5), 694-709.
15. 冯文婷,易梦洁,孙洪杰* (2022).好口碑就有好印象吗?社交媒体中奢侈品牌社会属性的负面效应,《外国经济与管理》, 44(1), 119-136.
16. 孙洪杰;刘菲菲;冯文婷*;崔丙群 (2021). 个体如何以消费行为应对自我威胁?自我分离视角下的导向-路径整合模型构建,《心理科学进展》, 29(5),921-935.
17. 童泽林,冯竞丹,冯文婷,谢毅,付景涛,傅国华 (2020). 企业家慈善高曝光度对消费者企业评价的负面影响及扭转机制:中庸文化视角. 南开管理评论, 23(4), 4-11.
Information System Research (UTD)
Tourism Management (ABS4)
Annals of Tourism Research (ABS4)
Journal of Sustainable Tourism (ABS3)
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (ABS3)
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing
海南省第十二次社会科学优秀成果论文三等奖,论文“How being envied shapes tourists’ relationships with luxury brands: A dual-mediation model”(冯文婷、杨鑫、于洋、易梦洁),海南省社会科学优秀成果评奖委员会,2022年10月。